Digital Assistants: conversation experience and the implications for business


I would like to share with you the work we delivered together with a wonderful team of fellow E-MBA students: Tessa Sujka-McIver, Katarzyna Kahl and Janusz Jóźwik.

One of the challenges we undertook during the E-MBA course at Warsaw University of Technology Business School was to create a Research Paper on the selected subject. We believe we have chosen one of the most interesting business-related subjects, connecting many worlds: technology, human psychology, emotions and daily interactions. We decided to analyse Digital Assistants from the human-to-computer interaction perspective.

We conducted extensive desk research combined with an independent survey, collecting over 100 responses, out of which more than 60 were business leadership representatives from various industries.

I would like to interest you in our summary presentation on the subject and the full paper content as well. Hope you will enjoy it.

Full paper: Digital Assistants: Insights into the conversation experience and the implications for business
Presentation: Quick Summary

About the author

By Luke